A lot of construction work involves tapping into utility resources below ground level, and that means a lot of scheduling relies on a quick, safe, and damage-free excavation. Those underground pipes and wires are protected more by the soil above them than by any other casing or physical shield, so all of your excavation projects that remove the surrounding dirt and expose them to day light, which is referred to as day lighting, can be risky. Here’s how to make sure your day lighting project is done right:
Find a company that uses hydrovac excavation instead of traditional tools or air vacuums.
Hydrovacs move faster than other excavation tools with low-pressure air and water to move the dirt aside and expose the utilities. The low pressure better protects fragile elements of the system, especially compared to hand tools. It’s also much faster and requires less manpower so you can start working on utility extensions and modifications sooner. Ask the company about their average speed based on your area’s soil type so you can calculate the savings in both time and money. This process is particularly effective in Texas because the added water turns dirt into a slurry that can be quickly vacuumed away from the utilities.
Hydro Vacuuming can be used for both spot excavations, or potholing, when you have an extremely localized spot that needs repairs and trenching so you can work in a wider uncovered area. Because the process doesn’t damage existing infrastructure, you can easily expand the area to find an incorrectly marked utility line or a hard-to-find part. Go to 4 Warriors Hydro Excavating to get started.