hydro excavating

Hydro Excavating: Put it in the Ground the Safe Way

If you are potholing to locate utilities or beginning excavation for new construction the most environmentally friendly, safe way to do this is hydro excavating. Any large movement of soil in today’s highly industrialized environment can produce problems. The ability of hydro excavation methods to establish access for a necessary facility and waste management connections without major disruption of surrounding construction or cross contamination offers the safest, most economical, and efficient method for this phase of any construction.

Hydro Excavating: Put it in the Ground the Safe Way

Hydro excavating unlike other methods of soil removal, does not require the removal of large amounts of topsoil to either locate existing utilities or establish new access. According to Wikipedia,”Suction excavators eliminate the need for costly and time-consuming manual labor. Buried pipe systems do not suffer damage. The output is up to sixteen times of what’s typically achieved by conventional excavation.” The use of high pressure heated water in conjunction with an industrial vacuum allows for a more precise dig of either trenches or holes.

This also eliminates the need for removal of large amounts of soil and debris. This effectively cuts down on the amount of cross-contamination and the disturbance of groundwater making this method more environmentally responsible. It also creates a safer work environment for construction crews who must cross the area.

For more information and to find out how 4 Warriors Hydro Excavating can help you please contact us and we will create solutions for your problems.

Vacuum Excavating vs Manual Digging

For hundreds of years, manual digging with picks and shovels was the standard way to dig into the ground. Today, work crews still employ manual digging in areas next to buried piping, cabling, and other sensitive underground utilities.

Vacuum Excavating vs Manual Digging

While manual digging is safer than digging with a backhoe, it is not a fool-proof method. When the soil is dense and hard, shoveling with a light touch to avoid damaging underground utilities isn’t possible. Sometimes force is required when using the digging tools. Full body weight applied to the shovel is often necessary. Sometimes sharp picks or even 20-pound digging bars with sharp edges are slammed into the ground to break apart the soil before it is shoveled out.

Using these manual tools with such force risks damaging underground cabling and piping, especially when you aren’t 100% sure of their precise location. Surface erosion and past landscaping work can change their depth. Tree roots can displace their position as well. This uncertainty is often the case when using very old drawings or blueprints. Striking a tool against a big cast iron sewer pipe may not cause harm, but what about a small diameter fiber optic cable buried without a conduit? What if the piping has a protective coating?

Vacuum excavating will safely and efficiently do the work without exposing sensitive underground utilities to expensive damage. This technology uses pressurized water to break apart the soil while a vacuum pipe simultaneously draws out the water. What takes hours to do with shovels and picks is safely done in minutes with vacuum excavating technology.

4 Warriors Hydro Excavating has the best operators and techs in the industry and uses the best equipment. We work efficiently and safely, and will get the job done on time and within your price budget. To learn more about our services and for answers to your questions, please contact us.

A Hard Day Spent Trenching Doesn’t Have To Be So Hard

The job site stretches on, flat and yet unblemished, the project is about to begin. Many boots, trucks and tracks will cross this ground in the following year as the ground is shaped and churned, then raised to a new height, as a neighborhood center, hospital, public high school, or backyard oasis. Yet, beneath those boots and heavy wheels, will lie the network of cables, pipes, and foundations which make life in these future spaces liveable.

A Hard Day Spent Trenching Doesn't Have To Be So Hard

The problem is, with the first arrivals at the site, there are still many unseen obstacles to laying down the systems for modern living. Looking at the site plan, the trenchers see existing utility lines, old trees with large root systems, and countless other unknown objects likely buried in the ground. As the excavator engines fire up in the hum of a Texas morning, and as the crew mans their shovels to assist, the first trench is dug deep to allow for the plumbing of the new structure. Scoop after scoop of dirt is removed monotonously and the trench lengthens slowly. As the sun rises overhead, sweat is on the brows of all the men working. The afternoon comes and then halts quickly. A fiber optic cable cutting across the field was marked ten feet too far north on the plan, and the flags marking the line were run over by a truck delivering material. Now the expensive cable has been ripped out by the teeth of the excavator bucket. It will be hours before the company which owns the line can arrive and fix it, at a hefty price. All the men stand there idle and hot, their progress dead in the water.

But if this crew had been using vacuum excavating, they may not be standing so idle. The use of pressurized water would have jetted right around the line, never severing or ripping it. They could keep moving along without having to fight the dirt’s resistance; the water doing the tough work for them. In the matter of a day, the vacuum excavators would have all the plumbing done, while a crew with the old bulky diesel digging machine would just be finishing up one main line, with many more battles against the dirt ahead.

Trenching is the part of construction which is unseen in the end product, but it is the part which makes the end product function. Shouldn’t the unseen be finished and out-of-the-way as efficiently as possible? We are here to help you begin to see your plan become a functioning reality, as quickly and efficiently as possible, because you and your vision matter to us!

What Is A Vacuum Excavator And Why Is It The Best Method?

The excavation business is one that has undergone many changes over the years. With new advances and changes in the sophistication of machinery, there are now machines created to do double the work in half the time.

What is a vacuum excavator and why is it the best method?

A vacuum excavator is a piece of specially designed machinery that works to remove dirt and debris to clear an area. It also serves remarkably well at finding utilities whose exact location is unknown. This method of excavation is one that has proven to be much more cost efficient because there is less room for error. With its powerful suction pulling up loose content paired with “teeth” that are in place to cut through earth and make smaller intake, this design maximizes productivity while minimizing the risk for damage to property or injury of operator.

There are numerous business types already taking advantage of the unique ability of the vacuum excavator. Pipeline companies to utility outfits are currently enjoying the benefits of this incredible, cutting edge machinery.

Since induction in the late 1990’s, the vacuum, or suction, excavator has undergone design changes pertaining to filter types, gravity separation, and air flow requirements that have created a mega-machine capable of the most difficult excavation projects.

 4 Warriors Hydro Excavating is a family owned, Christian based company. They are a leader in the field and committed to exceeding customers expectations. We are ready to address any questions or inquiries for excavation services. We welcome you to contact us by visiting our website today to explore the many services we offer and to get a quote.

Daylighting Services May Help Utility Companies and Customers Save

Daylighting Services May Help Utility Companies and Customers SaveWhen utility services go down, even for only an hour, many people panic. This tends to be true whether we’re talking about HVAC related power, cable or the internet and it’s easy to understand why. People rely on those services for their businesses, entertainment, comfort and communication. So time spent without them frequently comes with a steep a price for consumers.

How steep a price? Historically, it could cost corporations thousands. Check out some of the previously recorded losses in InformationWeek magazine. It’s staggering and make no mistakes about it. Utility downtimes may be costly for service providers too, especially if disgruntled consumers take to social media with their complaints. For an indication, just take a look at coverage of outages that took place in 2015.

Utilizing daylighting services is one way to significantly limit downtime. It some cases, it may uncover damaged lines in 10 minutes or less. As such, repair crews may finish quickly, thereby reducing a variety of potential losses not to mention unfavorable media attention. And as for the cost of hiring daylighting crews, it is negligible when compared to the financial implications of the other scenarios we described.

Would you like to know how negligible? If so, please contact 4 Warriors Hydro Excavating today. We can show you firsthand how daylighting excavation improves bottom lines. Also, our family of experts is willing to answer questions about other cost-saving services that may help.

Safety When Potholing For Speed and Accuracy

Potholing For Speed and AccuracyBefore the recent holiday season, the City of El Paso closed off a major street for a little under a week for pre-construction activities. The city’s Streetcar Project called for the utility company to relocate utility services. First, the utility company had to make sure they knew where those utilities were located.

This tedious process is expedited through the use of hydro vacuum and excavation equipment. How does this work?

  • The surface layer is removed with help from a jackhammer.
  • Soil, gravel and fill are pushed free and made loose by focused water sprays.
  • The spray, gravel, soil and fill are immediately excavated with vacuum power, leaving little disruption to surrounding areas.
  • Exposed pipes are mapped with highly accurate GPS systems.
  • Since the gravel, soil and spray were vacuumed into a sealed container, it is available to readily backfill the pothole.
  • The hole is refilled and patched.

The entire process is an efficient, economical way to prep an area for construction. With little to no damage of surrounding areas, minimal ground disruption and accurate mapping there is no need to go back and repair the area. For high-traffic or congested areas, minimal disruption translates to happier clients, commuters and others who use the area.

For major projects, the quicker and more accurate the prep work the less likely the project will falter at later stages. It may be a tedious step but potholing correctly the first time around is a very important step in the process.

If you still find the idea of drilling into perfectly good surfaces simply to get a better idea of underground utility locations a frustrating step in the construction process then you should consider hydroexcavation potholing techniques.

For more information about efficient geo-location and smooth potholing for your upcoming construction project, please contact us.

Potholing: The Best First Step for Your Next Project

Potholing: The Best First Step for Your Next ProjectWhat is potholing and why does every design build project need this service?

Potholing is the process of using a hydro-excavator to dig holes in order to locate utilities or any other structure underground. This is vitally important to complete before any construction project involving underground work begins. The beauty of potholing over other standard measures is the ability to dig deeper faster without leaving a gaping hole to fill.

The general public is more aware than in years past of the need for this service due to the catchy “call before you dig” commercials. It is necessary for both the average homeowner wanting to plant a tree to the biggest construction company building a high rise. No one wants a devastating accident or the expense of damaged utilities.

Why should you contact us for your potholing needs? Some of the benefits of calling 4 Warriors Hydro Excavating for this project are:

  • Professional attention that will be efficient and time conscience
  • We can dig deeper, faster without causing excessive damage to the yard or above ground surface.
  • Eliminates the dangers of damage done by metal scoop excavators.

The value of potholing is not limited to home improvement projects or large construction sites. Potholing is also very useful when placing a utility pole in the ground. Homeowners can use this service when adding security lighting to the perimeter of their property.

At 4 Warriors, we are committed to exceeding highest your expectations. Give us all call; we will be happy to come out and give you a free estimate.

Ignoring Hydro Excavating Could Be Detrimental

Ignoring Hydro Excavating Could Be DetrimentalYou may be tempted to ignore hydro excavating, but doing so may be dangerous. We’ve got three reasons burying your head in the sand would be a bad idea.

  • 1. Hydro Excavation is the only non-destructive method of digging, utilizing pressurized water and a vacuum system to quickly and safely expose underground infrastructure.Hidden beneath the surface lie a complex maze of facilities that carry petroleum products, electricity, water, wastewater, natural gas, and telecommunications. Not a single day passes without incidents that occur across the country that leave utilities damaged, property destroyed, and often, workers injured or worse.
  • 2. OSHA has, of course, chimed in with their thoughts: Question: Section 1926.651 contains several requirements that relate to the safety of employees engaged in excavation work. Specifically, paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) relate in part to the safety of the means used to locate underground utility installations that, if damaged during an uncovering operation, could pose serious hazards to employees. Under these provisions, what constitutes an acceptable method of uncovering underground utility lines, and further, would the use of hydro-vacuum excavation be acceptable under the standard?           Answer; When utility companies or owners cannot respond to a request to locate underground utility installations within 24 hours,  or cannot establish the exact location of these installations, the employer may proceed, provided the employer does so with caution, and provided detection equipment or other acceptable means to locate utility installations are used.Paragraph (b)(3) provides: When excavation operations approach the estimated location of underground installations, the exact location of the installations shall be determined by safe and acceptable means. Therefore, “acceptable means” must be used where the location of the underground utilities have not been identified by the utility companies and detection equipment is not used. It is our understanding that some hydro-vacuum excavation equipment can be adjusted to use a minimum amount of water and suction pressure. When appropriately adjusted so that the equipment will not damage underground utilities (especially utilities that are particularly vulnerable to damage, such as electrical lines), use of such equipment would be considered an “acceptable means” of locating underground utilities. See the entire Q&A here.
  • 3. 4 Warriors Hydro Excavating is a Christian, family owned company, formed not only to make an impact on the industry but also to make an impact on people’s lives. The operators at 4 Warriors have advanced safety training that is required when asked to work refineries, substations, and even nuclear facilities.

To talk more about this, or anything else, please  contact us today.