What is Daylighting Excavation?

What is Daylighting Excavation?Daylighting excavation is the process of safely exposing utility lines or underground pipes to daylight using a hydro-vacuum excavator. In the past, utility lines and pipes were exposed by hand digging, which is a painstakingly slow process and places the worker in danger if he should inadvertently hit a power line with his shovel. Often a backhoe was also used, but the backhoe method is clumsy and can damage lines and wires. In daylight excavation, the use of a hydro-vacuum excavator quickly and safely removes the debris to locate and expose the pipes or utility lines.

The vacuum excavator works in a wide variety of soils and conditions such as clay, rocky substrate and frozen ground. It exposes the pipes and utilities by using a combination of pressure, water, and air. It then sucks up the slurry debris material utilizing a large attached hose. A mobile evacuation storage tank stores the slurry debris and hauls it away for later disposal.

Daylighting excavation is a highly successful way to expose utility lines and pipes without damage. It has quickly become the preferred method in urban areas with excessive infrastructure. The process can also be used to expose only a small section of pipe or lines to evaluate them for cracks, leaks or damage. When only a small area is excavated with hydro-vacuum excavation it is commonly referred to as “daylight potholing.”

Our professional crew at 4 Warriors Hydro Excavating are trained in all aspects of daylighting excavation. Please contact us to effectively locate underground utility lines and pipes using our state of the art hydro-vacuum excavation systems. We have worked on a wide array of projects such as refineries, substations, and even nuclear facilities.