
Hydro Excavation Can Ensure A Safe Dig At Your Job Site

When performing any type of job, safety is the number one priority to keep workers and bystanders free from danger or harm. Uncovering underground cables or utilities with heavy machinery is one such job that has the potential of being very dangerous. Read the information below to learn how a dedicated and reliable company can safely perform this job at your work site.

When using heavy equipment to dig underground, there’s always the possibility that the machinery will hit a buried cable, pipe or utility. This action can potentially cause a fire or explosion and injure those who are nearby. To complete this job safely and successfully, companies or individuals should contact an experienced company that specializes in hydro excavating and industrial vacuum services.

When employing hydro excavating services to uncover buried utilities and cables, trained professionals use pressurized water to wash away dirt and debris that surrounds underground pipes and utilities. When the high-powered water stream knocks the dirt and debris loose, an industrial vacuum hose draws the debris into a holding tank. The debris inside the tank is later transported to an approved location for dumping.

4 Warriors Hydro Excavating recently excavated under existing lines in Gillett, Texas. This allowed our to customer to run new gas lines into the facility and eliminated the potential for line strikes inside of an H2S facility.

Hydro Excavation Can Ensure A Safe Dig At Your Job Site 4 Warriors Hydro Excavating recently excavated under existing lines in Gillett, Texas

When you need professional hydro excavation services, including potholing, trenching, day lighting or industrial vacuuming, contact us for more information or for an estimate. We are a family owned company with Christian values and we strive to offer the best service that’s cost-effective, reliable and safe.

Hydro Excavating Saves Trees

Trees have many positive impacts on both the environment and on landscape aesthetics. They absorb the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide as well as harmful gasses such as sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide. They provide shade in the summer and cool the surrounding air through evaporation. Their presence has a stress relieving effect on most people and they enhance the beauty of both residential and private property.

Trees also enhance property real estate values. They make rental property more attractive to tenants. This is why you shouldn’t take lightly any ground excavation work done around the trees on your property. Damaging the roots is harmful and potentially fatal to trees because they use them for water and nutrient absorption and for structural stability.

Hydro excavatingHydro Excavating Saves Trees is used for safely digging in the vicinity of underground plumbing, electrical lines, and optical cables. It uses water under pressure to loosen soil which is immediately sucked out along with the water with a vacuum pipe. Likewise, hydro excavating is safer for tree root systems when digging holes and trenches near trees.

There is no reason to take out a tree, relocate it, or risk damage to its roots with mechanical digging methods. If you have large beautiful trees on your property, consider that they take between 10 to 30 years to reach their full size. This is a long time to wait because of root damage caused by excavation work. Even if a tree survives root damage, its ability to absorb water and nutrients from the ground is weakened. This in turn stunts the tree’s growth and makes it more vulnerable to disease.

When you need to have excavation work done, protect the environment, your property value, and enjoyment of your property by hiring hydro excavation professionals for the job. 4 Warriors Hydro Excavating has the expertise for the job without damaging the landscape of your commercial or residential property. For more information, contact us.

Hydro Excavating Embraces National Safe Digging Month

Hydro Excavating Embraces National Safe Digging MonthApril 2016 marks the return of a very important, national observation. It’s Safe Digging Month and all of us here at 4 Warriors Hydro Excavating wanted to take a moment and discuss digging safety. Originally designed to highlight dangers in the pipeline industry, it has since morphed to include digging in other industries. Plus, it serves as a good reminder to residential property owners too.

Hydro excavating is one of the safest ways to dig that our family knows of and we’d heartily recommend it to everyone that needs to reach below the earth’s surface. What makes it safer than just grabbing a shovel or renting a backhoe? For one, it avoids the need for large, search holes. And as we all know, holes pose fall risks as well as help to make the ground temporarily unstable. Also, they may inadvertently trap wildlife and capture standing water. Standing water, of course, creates dangers of its own.

Dangerous holes are just the beginning. Hydro excavating keeps people and machines from cutting into dangerous materials. For example, it can safely identify pipes used to transport raw sewage, natural gas, petroleum and chemical plant waste from place to place. Plus, it can just as easily locate minor things like residential irrigation pipes, termite treatment lines and underground cables. What else can hydro excavating do to ensure digging safety?

Once underground obstacles have been identified, they may be mapped for future reference. So after catastrophic events like earthquakes and sink holes, the maps may help area managers protect residents and plan rebuilds. They can also make relocating or adding various resources to storm damaged areas easier too. For instance, after flooding managers may need to dig a diversion channel to prevent further drowning deaths.

To learn more about safe digging and how hydro excavation is key to its continued execution, please contact us today.