
3 Reasons Why Precise Trenches Are Safer Trenches

No matter what your current project is, safety is one of the top priorities on the site. Trenches that your contractors and employees need to climb into are always a potential hazard. Using multiple layers of safety precautions such as shoring, shielding, and sloping can help keep people safe. So can trenching with precision. Here’s how:

3 Reasons Why Precise Trenches Are Safer Trenches

1. Keep work site frustration to a minimum.

When your team has to excavate with traditional mechanical tools, tension can start to build as they try to navigate without damaging any utilities or below-ground systems. If they’re searching for specific points after a few hours without success, that can also make frustration build. That’s when mistakes happen, no matter how professional your team is. With hydro excavation, you can uncover what you need or systematically search with fewer frustrations.

2. Uncover the areas you need to access without destabilizing the surrounding soil.

Mechanical digging loosens the surrounding soil, and that can be dangerous. All excavation processes do, including hydro excavation, but this alternative minimizes disruption When the nearby soil stays tightly packed and isn’t shaken up by heavy equipment, cave-ins are much less likely. Precise trenching also lets you navigate in tight spaces more safely.

3. Minimize the risk of cutting through wiring or sharp metals.

One of hydro excavation’s main benefits is that it minimizes potential breakage to wiring, pipes, and utilities in the ground. Preventing those accidents as much as possible doesn’t just keep your project running on time. It protects your employees from cutting themselves on sharp metal edges or getting shocked by live, damaged wires.

If you want professional, reliable hydro excavation services at your next worksite, contact us at 4 Warriors Hydro Excavating. One of our teams of trained technicians will be there to help you create trenches and keep people safer throughout the project.